SB 1070 – It’s Like I Tell My Kids: Decisions Have Consequences

Screen shot 2010-05-04 at 4.55.11 PM.png
Inscription on the Statue of Liberty

Right off the bat, let’s all agree that something needs to be done to address two distinct issues. First, the violent drug wars in Mexico and their effect on the boarder region. Second, the influx of peaceful, hard working Mexican citizens who have entered this country illegally to find work and support their families.

SB 1070 does nothing to solve either of these two problems.

But I don’t really care about the things it doesn’t do… I care about what it does. Governor Brewer can pass the buck all she wants by leaving a police agency on the hook to define “reasonable suspicion” – but let’s be honest, we all know what an “illegal immigrant” looks like… don’t we. Here, I’ll say it:

Illegal immigrant’s are brown – Muslims, Mexicans, Indians. They don’t speak english well or talk with funny accents. They are “others”.

The problem is, not all brown people with accents are Illegal Immigrants – they are just “reasonably suspicious”. So, you tell me. How is any cop going to tell the difference?

I chose to stay in Phoenix to start my Technology company. One of the reasons I did that was because of the incredible growth in diversity we’ve seen since I first moved to Phoenix. Because, in my opinion, the great technology centers in this country are what they are in large part because of their diversity – San Francisco, Seattle, Boston, Austin all have a thriving multi-cultural base of immigrants and first/second generation Americans. They’ve created environments that attract the very best the world has to offer.

We – on the other hand – have just hung out a huge “you are not welcome” sign.

I know the counter argument – if they are legal they have nothing to worry about. Except they do. They have to worry about NEVER leaving the house without some piece of paper that makes them legal. They have to worry that they’ll be stopped, questioned, harassed and marginalized. They have to worry that when they walk down the street we will look at them with “reasonable suspicion”.

So, you tell me. How do I convince my colleagues Anil, Santosh, Moudy, and Hu to move to Phoenix? How does Arizona convince any Technology company (Green, Software, Bio, Space or other) to put their employees in Arizona? And while you are at it… remind me again. Why am I here?

In Arizona – Education is now an Option

If you’d like to see an example of the extreme “no taxes” political persuasion – you need to look no further than Arizona.

In Arizona taxes are evil, for years our politicians have built their reputations on one simple idea – taxes kill growth, so let’s not have any. They’ve perpetuated a myth… and now we are going to pay for it.

Arizona is full of people and companies that are here for one reason – they don’t want to pay taxes. Our economic structure is built on developers putting up planned communities and strip malls. Our tax base is based on people buying all the things they need to fill their new McMansions. The problem is, that model isn’t sustainable – never has been. An effective government would have begun making the investments years ago to allow our economy to smoothly transition from population growth to a sustainable industry based model.

Instead our government (and quite frankly, we) ignored a simple reality – you can’t build a sustainable economic base on a foundation of tax cuts.

Sustainable economies don’t occur by magic – and much of what is required by companies will never be invested in by those companies:

  • Education
  • Public Infrastructure
  • The Arts

So here we are – and it is time to pay the piper. And for all the conservative bluster about not saddling the next generation with debt or higher taxes they will instead be saddled with something much worse – a woefully substandard education and with it hugely diminished lifetime earnings.

While I do not believe that money alone can solve the problems we see in the state’s education system – I also know that reducing school funding to roughly the level of high quality daycare won’t result in better educated citizens.

And sadly, Arizona has already reached rock bottom – 50th in the US in graduating high school seniors going on to higher education, 50th in the nation in education spending, bottom third of US in high school graduation rate.

Now, it is time for the next round of cuts – and (no surprise here) education leads the way:

  • Reduced Funding for Charter Schools
  • Elimination of “non-Formula” K-12 Programs
  • Elimination of all day Kindergarten
  • Reduce funding to 2005-2006 levels
  • Elimination of Building Renewal funding

Link to Govenor Brewer’s Budget Proposal

What does all this mean? No art, no gifted programs, no music, closing charter schools, no restoration of dilapidated schools, all day kindergarten eliminated.

The worst part is, there will be more to come. Why? Because our elected representatives do not have the moral character required to admit that you can’t sustain anything on a platform of:

  • Times are Good!!! Lower Taxes!
  • Times are Bad!!! We can’t Raise Taxes!

At some point you hit the logical limits of that line of thinking – and we are there. It is time for the citizens of Arizona to realize that there is no sustainable future for this state (or our country) if we fail to invest in the future. There is no more important investment than an investment in our children’s education.

As the owner of an Arizona Based business – and as a father, I am happy to pay more taxes in order to ensure the education of our states children. Sure, I could just spend my money on my kids – send them to private schools, but that doesn’t improve our state or our nation. Essentially it will just allow my children the opportunity to one day leave Arizona for a college or a job that is appropriate for them.

It is time for all of us to start thinking about the future. It is time for us to demand our local and state governments implement sound taxation policy (the temporary sales tax increase is a band-aid and a poor one at that). In short, it is time for Arizona to grow up…

Arizona – Entrepreneurship Is NOT the Problem

People make a lot of noise about what is wrong with Arizona – and specifically our ability to start and sustain technology companies. Most of it is pointless blather and pompous windbaggery – here is why:

The problem is we have too many people who want to be the expert, advance their point of view or prove how freaking smart they are instead of doing one of the only three things that will change it:

  • Found a Technology company in Arizona
  • Invest in an Arizona Technology Company
  • Engage in making changes in our Public (because that’s all we’ve got) education system

Everything else is noise.

I admit I have not read the entire report from the Milken Institute entitled Charting a Course for Arizona’s Technology-Based Economic Development but I’m willing to bet the phrase “creative class” never appears once. You know what does?

Arizona actually ranks 3rd in the country for number of business starts per 100,000 people; it also places 12th for the percentage of business births in the high-tech sector. But too many high-tech firms fold or leave the state, and Arizona has only five firms ranked in Deloitte and Touche’s Fast 500 company list. Addressing human capital concerns and increasing access to venture capital would jumpstart the right kind of long-term development.

I’ll bet you didn’t see that one coming. How about:

Perhaps the single greatest threat to Arizona’s high-tech future is the fact that the state does not develop and retain enough skilled technicians, scientists, and engineers. In terms of sheer numbers, Arizona seems to produce sufficient graduates in science and engineering, but many are foreign-born and therefore more likely to return home, either due to preference or to a limited number of available work visas.

Shocking – our Universities actually produce “sufficient graduates”. Or my personal favorite:

Arizona will clearly be on the right track when it achieves solid gains in the indicators measuring whether local high-tech growth outpaces the national average; in recent years, it has fallen behind in these measures.

I defy anyone to tell me they are shocked by this or fundamentally disagree with that finding.

The problems, and their solutions, have been obvious for years:

  • We need a robust public/private R&D partnership
    • We get private organizations and companies openly bashing our Educators and Institutions without making any attempt to partner with them and create systemic change.
    • We get Universities who blatantly attempt leverage “incubators” as a source of revenue.
  • We need an active investor class
    • We get realestate investors who have no affinity with technology looking for a guaranteed 4% (to replace their realestate investments).
    • We get pay to pitch events, endless gatekeeper organizations, and every imaginable mechanism possible to keep actual investors from talking to actual founders.
  • We need jobs for the quality Math, Science and Engineering students our Universities churn out.
    • We get organizations who complain about how much our Higher Education System sucks – and watch the best and brightest they turn out go to CA, UT, OR and NM
    • We get a legislature that thinks shipping in University students from overseas/out of state is a great way to reduce education costs borne by the state.

We are failing – across the board, by any measure EXCEPT our ability to plan events, talk, point fingers and sit on the sidelines doing nothing.

We don’t have an entrepreneurship problem – we are 3rd in the nation for new companies and 12th for technology companies – we have an attitude problem.

It is time to drop the “it happens my way or I’m not playing” attitude and start engaging – across organizational, belief, strategy and ideological lines to generate results.

Because I swear to you – as a Founder of a Arizona based Technology Company – the next organization that spouts off about how “we’ve got it all right and everyone else is stupid” will earn my wrath.

Found, Invest, Engage or Shut Up.

Innovation & Academia? – ASU Startup Weekend

There is a certain pleasure in pointing out how poor a job academic institutions do instilling the kind of innovative/entrepreneurial thinking required in their graduates. But here is the million dollar question:

Beyond pointing at the problem, what exactly are YOU going to do to fix it.

Photo courtesy of lumaxart:
Photo courtesy of lumaxart:

For many the answer is a resounding “not my problem” or “it can’t be fixed”.

You may be a student, member of faculty, a member of “industry”, or just a part of the larger community – regardless of your place in this there are a few things you need to know. Here they are.

First, it is on you. No one is going to do it for you, you can’t wait on someone else to make it happen. If you want more innovative and entrepreneurial thinking from the graduates of your school or your local university you must get involved.

No one gets an opt out. There is no pass that allows the business community to sit back and wait for the Academics to deliver the results. If you do, it will cost you money and time to develop these graduates into what you need.

Students don’t get to sit back and wait on their teachers/professors to make it a required part of the curriculum. The old song “it wasn’t on the syllabus” just won’t cut it.

Professors and teachers can’t wait for standardized tests and acceptable best practices to begin instilling innovation and entrepreneurship into their classrooms. You want your students to be more innovative – innovate!

This isn’t about checking the box. And it certainly isn’t about getting a diploma. That is – frankly – the easy part. Take the right classes, show up every day, take notes, do some occasional studying and you’ll get your diploma. You’ll have checked the box. It isn’t about graduation rates either – and here is why.

Second, it isn’t optional. Innovation and entrepreneurship are not optional. The world has changed. You are not going to graduate and get a job at Intel, work there 30 years and retire with a fat 401k, pension, and health benefits. Odds are you’ll change careers at least 5 times. More than likely you’ll be looking for a new job every 3 years or so. And by the time you are on your 3rd job (about 8 years or so out of college) no one (and I really mean NO ONE) is going to care that you have your diploma – you’ll have to have it, but it won’t make even the smallest difference in weather or not you get or keep the gig. Why? Because anyone can show up and check the box.

I’ve hired a lot of people over my 15 years in business (and technology), and I’ve never said to myself “I’m looking for someone who can check the box.” If what you are selling is showing up every day and checking the box, I’m not interested.

In the last 15 years I’ve seen a transformation – from employees who show up and do the basics being valued to those same employees being “managed out”. They aren’t wanted. We want the employees who are able to see outside the what is and look for what could be. We are looking for the innovators.

In this new world where you are either getting a gig, improving your gig, or getting the next gig you had better understand a thing or two about entrepreneurship. You are your own company – and it will be up to you to run You LLC effectively. Everything from deciding what the product is (what skills are you learning), to choosing the right partnerships (who are my mentors), to selling your product (getting a gig), to maximizing revenues (negotiating salaries) is your responsibility. You are an entrepreneur – like it or not.

This is the environment we are preparing graduates for. This is their reality.

Third, do something – TODAY.

You should be doing something about this every day. Weather you are in the business community, a member of faculty, or a student. You need to ask yourself every single day. How am I preparing myself and helping prepare others for this reality?

I suggest you start here. Go – right now – to the ASU Startup Weekend site. If you are an ASU Student register right now. If you are a member of the business community, volunteer to mentor the student startup teams by emailing Dr. Kevin Gary (kgary at If you are a member of ASU faculty get the flyer and hang it up in your classroom; offer you students extra credit for participating.

I’ll see you there, April 24th and 25th. Come find me and we’ll talk.

Education in Arizona – The Cuts to Come

This is for all of my friends in Arizona.

As you may be aware the Arizona State Legislature has proposed to cut $1.5 billion from education budgets over the next year and a half. That is a 20% cut for K-12 and a 30% cut for higher education. Arizona currently ranks 49th in per student spending for K-12 education and 35th for spending on higher education.

These cuts will sacrifice our future – they will in the words of Michael Crow, ASU President “give Arizona a Third World education and economic infrastructure.”

I encourage all of you to visit and send a letter to your state representatives informing them of the error they are considering and your full displeasure with it.

I’ve included the letter I sent this morning:

Dear Arizona Legislator,

As a veteran of Silicon Valley technology companies; and as a entrepreneur in Chandler; and as a father of two elementary school children; and as a dedicated proponent of Arizona and the Valley of the Sun; and as a committed partner of ASU; I’d like to inform you that cutting Arizona’s education budget at this moment in time – is both ill advised and exceptionally short sighted.

I’ve been an Arizona resident for more than 15 years. During that time I’ve worked for Silicon Valley technology companies as both a consultant and an executive. I know first hand that Arizona has lost major offices (specifically data centers) from several of these companies due in large part to the state of our education system. I have refused lucrative job offers in Silicon Valley because I believe that Arizona is capable of producing great technology talent and companies. I’ve committed to Arizona – I continue to wonder why our State officials refuse to do the same.

Phoenix has a single major university. Every major metropolitan area of equal size has many more. Our K-12 per student funding is 49th in the nation. Is it really any wonder that the only way we can sustain growth is via construction? While that may have been a viable approach in the past, it will no longer work. We must begin the process of transitioning from a boom and bust real estate market to building the competencies that can and will – with your support – transform our economy to a vibrant and lasting technology base.

Please understand, low taxes alone are not enough to attract and retain these businesses. They require well educated workers – workers they do not have to import. Workers who want to be in Arizona because they can raise their children here with the confidence that our education system will not fail them. Workers educated right here in Arizona.

While I understand that there are tough decisions to be made, we can not continue to sacrifice our future for the expediency of today. Tough choices will need to be made. But understand this, cutting education funding is not an appropriate choice. Do this – cut education funding – and not only will you lose my vote, but you will lose my business, and my commitment to the state of Arizona.


Brian T. Roy

Founder and President



Update: January 22nd 2009 @ 11:20 AM AZ Time

Linda Lopez – The AZ State Senator for District 29 responded to my email as follows:

Thank you for your email regarding your concerns about proposed cuts in
the Senate and House Republican Appropriations Committees Chairmen’s
budget. I do not support these cuts. I know full well that because of
our current budget crisis there will need to be some strategic reduction
in funding in all areas of state government, including education.
However, the level of reductions that are being proposed will, in my
estimation, not only decimate education at all levels it will undermine
our ability as a state to recover from this economic situation. I
strongly suggest that you let the appropriations chairs, Senator Russell
Pearce and Representative John Kavanaugh, and the legislative
leadership, Senate President Bob Burns and House Speaker Kirk Adams,
know about your concerns. In addition, you must also contact Governor
Brewer and her staff and let them how upset you are with these

I have been a long time vocal supporter of education at all levels,
preschool through university. It is the bedrock of our state and our
country. We shortchange education at our own peril.


State Senator Linda Lopez
District 29

Update: January 22nd 2009 @ 11:49 AM AZ Time

Frank Pratt – The AZ State Representative for District 23 responded as follows:

Thank you for sharing your concerns. We are taking any proposed budget
cuts to education very seriously.

Very truly yours,

Frank Pratt
State Representative
District #23

Frank – that is a very political response. I assure you I take your votes on this matter very seriously.

JustSignal – Turn down the noise and just get the signal.


On Friday, November 21st cosinity released JustSignal – a combined FriendFeed and Twitter application that allows you to turn down the noise and focus in on just those topics or users you find most interesting.

As much as I love Twitter and FriendFeed, they can become a giant distraction. Too much noise, not enough signal. JustSignal is the solution. It allows you to get your entire home feed from FriendFeed and near real-time “Track” from Twitter – all in one user interface. JustSignal’s filtering solution allows you to only receive the information you care most about – in real-time.


While that alone is a powerful solution for the individual user… JustSignal delivers so much more.

JustSignal Brand Monitor tracks your brand across Twitter and FriendFeed – allowing you to monitor what is said about your brand – and react in real time. Our robust solution queues Tweets, FriendFeed Posts, Comments and Likes that refer to your brand. Anyone in your company can log in and respond to those Social Media brand messages as they happen.

JustSignal Brand Monitor also archives everything said about your company – allowing you to analyze the data and determine what the perception is and how it is trending.

This combination of real-time monitoring and response, and historical data analysis is transformative for your company. Stop sending out surveys and start listening to your customers, prospects and influencers.

You can contact me directly for more information.

Are you looking to hit a 5 run homer?

120px-Chase_Utley_Home_Run.jpg I love a good baseball metaphor. There is nothing better than using the lens of baseball to make a point simple, clear and biting.

So let me tell you what I’ve been thinking today. You can’t hit a 5 run homer – it just can’t be done. Doesn’t matter how smart you are; doesn’t matter how talented you are; doesn’t matter how many twitter friends you’ve got.

I’m an optimist – some would say annoyingly so. I believe the best developers among us can code just about anything we want them to. But that isn’t really the point – is it? The point should be bringing the greatest value to the largest number of people possible.

Often, however, you are faced with a dilemma. Your “power users” want functionality that no one but a power user will ever be able to (or more importantly willing to) use. In short – they want you to hit a 5 run homer.

Why is that a 5 run homer? Because you can’t exert 80% of your effort satisfying 5% of the target market. You can’t convert the masses by catering to the few.

So you make a choice – you swing for the fences, or you shorten up and take the ball back up the middle. But no matter how hard you swing… you aren’t driving in 5 runs with one swing.

XMPP, Track and the Social Media Command Line

Last Friday I created a FriendFeed Real-Time bridge to XMPP. Over the weekend I’ve had several people receiving their home feed in real time over XMPP (GTalk to be specific). I also wrote a post about what I had done and what I intend to do with this going forward.

One thing I heard from the initial testers was the desire to “make it work like Track”. Consequently – I’ve spent quite a few mental cycles this weekend thinking about Track (as deployed by Twitter) and how that might work for FriendFeed Streams.

There are three basic components of Track

  1. The ability to track keywords (topics) and receive any tweets containing those keywords.
  2. The ability to post a new tweet.
  3. All interaction happens via IM (XMPP to be specific).

As I thought about these three basic components – and how they might be implemented for FriendFeed Streams I quickly realized that Twitter and FriendFeed are very different – and those differences have a huge impact on “Track” for FriendFeed Streams.

Let’s first consider the nature of Twitter.

Twitter is a stream of stateless tweets. Each tweet is an independent entity – bearing no relation to any other tweet in the timeline. Tweets only have relationships to the user that sent the tweet and, optionally, the user the tweet was directed at – via a @ reply. However, even those @ replies are simply stateless tweets – existing as an independent entity in the timeline.

It is that fundamental nature of Twitter that makes Track interesting – and to a certain extent possible. Since all tweets exist as stateless peer entities in a universal timeline – Twitter essentially creates a stateless stream of tweets. Track works by scanning and filtering this stream and injecting tweets into this stream.

Now let’s consider the nature of FriendFeed.

FriendFeed is a social media aggregator. It contains posts created organically (via the create post button in the FriendFeed interface) or via any number of aggregation channels (blogs, RSS Feeds, Twitter, Disqus, Flickr, etc). Each of these posts exist as state-full peer entities on the timeline.

FriendFeed posts are state-full because they exist as containers. They contain a separate groups of entities – Likes and Comments. Likes and Comments change change the state of the Post – and by doing so change the posts place in the timeline. For Example – If I comment on a 4 day old post it will move to the top of the timeline.

The Post as a container creates a conversation. This concept – the conversation – is totally foreign to Twitter.

FriendFeed, then, creates a state-full stream of conversations. Conversations appear in the stream one or more times – each time they are created or added to via a Like or Comment.

Now that we understand how Twitter and FriendFeed are similar and differ we can re-visit Track.

  1. The ability to track keywords (topics) and receive any tweets containing those keywords.
  2. The ability to post a new tweet.
  3. All interaction happens via IM (XMPP to be specific).

What is clear is that component #1 above is still viable and makes sense. It was the fundamental reason I chose to build FFStream. It still solves the problem of information discovery.

What poses a significant challenge is #2. I refer to this as the problem of participation. This is due to the state-fullness of the FriendFeed Post (or conversation). Where FriendFeed is concerned participation is a relative exercise – you can post a new conversation OR you can participate in an existing conversation. It is the relative nature of participation (relative to an existing conversation) that makes participation via IM so problematic.

This schism is completely analogous to the schism between the command line and the graphical user interface. As a matter of fact, an IM/XMPP interface for Social Media streams is simply a Social Media Command Line. You enter commands – often obscure, opaque and archaic commands – and thereby control the behavior of the application. And this model works… until the interaction model becomes so complex that a command line interface becomes impractical.

When the goal is to filter a stateless stream of data (ala grep) and insert data into that stateless stream – a command line works. However, when the stream becomes state-full – and contains entity relationships (i.e., conversations) filtering the stream is sensible – but the complexity of the required command line interface to inject data into the right entity in the stream makes the proposition a fools errand.

In short – FFStream is an ideal information discovery mechanism – far more powerful than Track because the stream is an aggregation of content and because the stream is a stream of conversations. It is not, however, a usable interface (i.e., command line) for participation in Social Media.

So the goal of FFStream will be to enable information discovery and encourage participation by providing a reference to the conversation. That reference will open a browser window with an appropriate interface (i.e., graphical user interface) for the participation in the conversation.

I know some will find this (to put it mildly) lacking. I know some will declare that I don’t get it. But there is a reason people vastly prefer the ease of use provided by a graphical user interface over the command line. If you are one of those who believe I’ve missed the point – please consider the command line vs. graphical user interface schism and how it relates to this conversation before declaring my ignorance.

FriendFeed to XMPP Bridge – Why, how and the plan.

Yesterday I took about and hour and created a FriendFeed to XMPP bridge. The advantage I had was that I was already running a XMPP server and had a working XMPP bot – these existed for my own personal use as well as for cosinity.


Primarily this is about information discovery. The ability to participate is challenging (see below) as FriendFeed is an aggregator.

As I said in an earlier post – I believe FriendFeed’s Real-Time functionality is missing two important capabilities.

  1. The ability to filter the feed by keyword(s).
  2. The ability to get real-time for the public timeline.

While there is nothing I can do about access to the public timeline – I can, via the API, create the ability to filter a feed by keyword(s).

Additionally, XMPP is a clean way to distribute the information – so why not have it published via XMPP?


Since FriendFeed had not released any sample code or a Python/PHP library for real-time yet I had to modify the existing libraries to support real time. This turned out to be trivial – I simply made a new {fetch_RT} function which looks much like the existing {fetch} function. With that complete I could simply use this modified PHP library to grab a user’s real-time stream.

As I mentioned earlier I already had an XMPP server running and had created a bot for other reasons. I simply re-used that bot and the over the network XML API defined by the bot to send the FriendFeed stream out as XMPP messages.

There are several important things to note here about the architecture:

  1. De-Coupling the FriendFeed real-time processes from the XMPP bot processes is a very efficient model.
  2. Keeping the XMPP stream bot a “dumb pipe” (i.e., outbound message streaming only) is also very efficient.
    1. Clicking on the link at the front of the XMPP message opens the FriendFeed “conversation” in a browser.
  3. Since FriendFeed is an aggregator, participation via XMPP will be very problematic.
    1. For Example: If the message is a tweet do you want to reply with a tweet – or comment on the tweet in FriendFeed’s conversation?
    2. The bot would have to track a large number of variables for each message in order to properly distribute your comment/message/etc.
    3. This overhead would directly affect the ability of the service to scale.
  4. The scope of the feed (e.g., the apple room or My Home feed or my “the cool people list”) and the keywords for which you’d like an XMPP notification would be configured via a web interface.
    1. This – again – goes directly to keeping the service as scalable as possible.
    2. The down side is you can’t change scope or keywords via XMPP messages.
    3. There is the possibility of creating a separate “ffstreamcontrol” bot which would take these commands. It remains to seen if this is really required or a nice to have.
  5. Since the stream bot acts as a dumb pipe – it can rapidly scale by running multiple instances with the same UID and a different resource string. You won’t know (or care) which bot you are connected to – they all look the same. If one dies – the FriendFeed real-time processes will be programed to try the next one… and the next one… etc.
    1. Again – this is a very efficient model.
    2. Will provide high levels of redundancy
  6. The bots will all connect to a dedicated XMPP server – the XMPP messages will then be distributed via XMPP federation.
    1. XMPP federation protocols are very efficient.

The Plan:

My current plan is to build something similar to what you see below. The user will create XMPP streams based on scope (i.e., FriendFeed scope – For Example: the Debates 2008 room) and keyword(s). The user will be allowed multiple XMPP streams. All XMPP stream creation, deletion and modification will be done via a web interface.

The XMPP bot(s) will serve as a dumb pipe for content delivery.

Participation is problematic – and as such will be set aside for now. User’s can still participate by clicking on the link in the XMPP message – this link will open the FriendFeed conversation (here is one for example). This will allow the user to participate, subscribe to the user’s involved in the conversation, etc.


Please feel free to comment – let me know if you think this is headed in the right direction.
NOTE: This was written very quickly based on a prototype made yesterday. Please excuse any less than completely thought through concepts… it is a work in progress.

54 Hours To Build A Company: A Look At Startup Weekend Phoenix

TechCrunch coverage of Phoenix Startup Weekend… Yeah – I was there working on Reserve Chute!!!

Twitrratr gets a nice bump… nice job guys.

Go Phoenix!

It’s been some time since we last covered Startup Weekend, a series of events that bring a roomful of developers and entrepreneurs together to develop new startups in only 54 hours. When the program originally launched last year, each weekend was geared towards building a single application, of which every participating member was a cofounder. Since then the format has changed – multiple companies are created at each event, and they don’t have to incorporate at the end of the weekend. Here’s a handful of the companies founded at last weekend’s event, which was held in Phoenix.


With so much of our essential data making its way to the cloud, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to quickly make a local backup. Reserve Chute, an open source web app that will be available for use in the next few weeks, will automatically make backups of popular cloud based services including Gmail, Twitter, and Basecamp.

It’s unlikely that any of these services will be going out of business in the foreseeable future, and they almost certainly have redundant backup systems in place. But the prospect of having my entire photo collection or Email history wiped out is unnerving – having an easy way to back up these services would definitely give users some peace of mind, even if they never had to use it.

My Shelter Helper

My Shelter Helper is web page builder aimed to help animal shelters establish a presence on the web. Shelters can logon and after entering some basic information like their address and telephone number will be presented with a functional and good looking website. It’s a great idea, and I love the tagline: “Helping save animal’s lives.”

For now the service is generating some pretty barebones sites, but will introduce support for donations so that shelters can easily collect from benevolent animal lovers worldwide. I hope the team keeps working on this – anything that helps animals is a good thing, and plenty of people (like my mother, for example) would love to donate to their local animal shelter along with the national organizations.


Awful domain name aside, the Twittrratr team has actually built a pretty cool Twitter site. After entering any keyword, Twittrratr will find related tweets and attempt to figure out if the subject is being spoke about in a positive or negative light. It’s a good idea but unfortunately it doesn’t work very well – oftentimes words that Twittrratr associates with a negative tweet aren’t being used to describe the keyword that was searched for. The team acknowledges that the system isn’t perfect and is open to suggestions (it’s still pretty impressive for 54 hours from conception to launch).

[From 54 Hours To Build A Company: A Look At Startup Weekend Phoenix]